The pastoral council serves as a board of advisors to the Pastor. The council meets several times per year to discuss the various programs and opportunities offered to the congregation of Holy Name of Jesus.
Pastoral Council Members:
Executive Committee
Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, Pastor (acting chair)
Kirsch Williams, Principal, Holy Name of Jesus School
Children and Families
Bam Gressett, Chair
David Munson
Chad Boykin
April Sanchez
Alexandra Sanchez
Young Adults
MC Robichaux, Chair
Chelsea Mansulich
Andrew Gontko
Ken Weber
Adult Spiritual Formation
Teri Marchese, Chair
Jane McMurray
Regina Marie Fronmuller, OSU
David Anderson
Michael Mosley, Chair
James Duggan
Peggy Lehane
Anne McConville
Harvey Burns
Justice and Outreach
Eddie Gros, SJ, Chair
Gail Burke
Kelly Mitchell
Susan Ives