Join us on Thursday, November 7 at 6 p.m. in the St. Ignatius Chapel on the Loyola Campus for an Interfaith Candlelight Service honoring and celebrating the gift of life given through organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
As Catholics and Americans, we are blessed to be able to participate in our nation’s political and public life. Our freedoms respect the dignity of individuals and their consciences and allow us to come together for the common good. Election seasons, therefore, should contain a sense of gratitude and hope. Our love for this country, our patriotism, properly impels us to vote. The Archdiocese of New Orleans has an excellent resource on Election Discernment for those who are interested.
Join us online for Lectio Divina at 8 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, Jan. 25. We will pray over the upcoming Sunday Gospel. We will meet over Zoom so our many online community members can join us.
Please join us on Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 6:30 p.m. for a Parish Community Dinner. The dinner will be held in the Holy Name of Jesus School Blamphin Family Basement.
The one true thing that allowed me to be a good father and dad was that I made sure that the kids knew that Jesus was the Head of the household and that I was just His zookeeper.
In 2021, the Culicchia family established the Margaret I. Culicchia Elementary School Tuition Foundation to help families in need who are seeking Catholic education for their children.
Join us for Stabat Mater, a concert featuring sopranos Nicole Heinen, Irini Kyriakidou, Rachel Looney and mezzo-soprano Claire Shackleton, as well as Dreux Montegut on organ, Kate Withrow and Tarrah Reynolds on violin, Catherine Schillling on viola and Karen Ray on cello. The concert will take place on Tuesday, May 17 at 7 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Church. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and admission is by donation.
WOW (Women of Wisdom) is a new HNJ ministry for women 50+ focused on faith sharing, community outreach, service, and social connection. Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center - in honor of the Queen's Jubilee, we will be having a tea party!
Through our school's partnership with Loyola University, Holy Name of Jesus middle school students had the opportunity to become museum docents for an Anne Frank exhibit on the Loyola campus, allowing them the opportunity to learn about the life of Anne Frank and empathize with those who experienced the Holocaust.
Holy Name of Jesus Church is partnering with Hotel Hope to provide dinners for their residents. Hotel Hope serves families in our area needing transitional housing.
Father Mark Thibodeaux, SJ will present a Lenten Discernment of Spirits Workshop every Sunday from March 6 through April 3, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. at the HNJ Pastoral Center.
Father Eddie Gros, SJ will be leading a group to visit Whitney Plantation in Edgard, LA on Saturday, March 5 (new date!). The visit will feature a tour of the plantation's museum, which offers a rare glimpse into plantation life from the point of view of the slaves who lived and worked there.
After more than 100 years of living side by side as neighbors, Loyola University New Orleans and Holy Name of Jesus Parish and School are taking their relationship to the next level. On Tuesday, the heads of all three institutions, together with the Archdiocese of New Orleans, announced via video a new partnership that will help students, families, faculty and staff to grow together in community, faith, learning, ministry and mission.
Join Holy Name of Jesus Young Adults for a Saints Watch Party on Sunday, December 19 at the Parish Center, 6220 LaSalle Place. Enter through the Adoration Chapel doors. Kickoff is at 7:20 p.m. The event will begin following the 7 p.m. Mass.
Holy Name of Jesus Church Presents "Lo, How a Rose: A Christmas Concert" on Monday, December 20 at 7 p.m. in the Church (6367 St. Charles Avenue). Featuring sopranos Nicole Heinen, Rachel Looney, and Irini Kyriakidou and Jonathan Szymanski, piano. With special guests Claire Shackleton, mezzo-soprano; Karen Ray, cello; Alex Mayon, trumpet; and Yuki Tanaka, violin. Admission by donation.
All parishioners are invited to join us for “Joyful Anticipation: An Advent Afternoon of Reflection” presented by Father Mark Thibodeaux. The program will take place on Monday, December 20, from 4-6 p.m. in the Parish Center. A light supper will be provided, and the program will conclude in time for attendees to come over to the church for our Christmas concert.
Jesuit Church First Tuesdays presents "Cannonball Conversations" - celebrating the Ignatian Year. U.C.S. Jesuit Provincial Fr. Tom Greene, SJ will present his talk "From Prosecutor to Priest: One Jesuit's Journey with Ignatius" on Tuesday, December 7 at 12:30 p.m., 130 Baronne Street, New Orleans. Admission is free.